Quite often, the fire alarms go up on sensing a deceiving stimulus. The aim is to minimize the rate of occurrences of such false alarms without compromising on the credibility of the device. The participants are expected to build an intact circuit ( preferably on a PCB ) which can be used as a prototype for commercial manufacturing. Every participating team must mail a report to scdc@shaastra.org latest by
23:59 hrs on August 25, 2010 with “SCDC report” as the subject. The report must include how you plan to design, build and demonstrate the Fire Alarm circuit. Eight best teams, evaluated based on their reports, shall be shortlisted for the second round of SCDC and invited to demonstrate their designs at Shaastra 2010. Please keep in mind that it is not sufficient to state your ideas in words; you need to give the circuit implementations (schematics / selfexplanatory block diagrams ) of all the ideas in your report. All participants taking part in SCDC are requested to stay in touch with the event coordinators and ask any related queries to scdc@shaastra.org