Thursday, 18 August 2011


  • Total cash prize to be won, 21K!!
  • Results for SCDC are up! Please check the website for more details. 
  • The TDP template on the Shaastra website seems to be not opening. You can download it from the SCDC 2011 tab on the blog. You need to submit only the TDP, by 27th of August. You need not submit any other report.

  • There is NO on-spot SCDC that'll be held during Shaastra. The only way to participate is through pre-registration.
  • The FAQs under Queries section on the SCDC Webpage has been updated with two more questions. You are requested to go through those.
  • In order to give more time to make your circuits, the deadline for submission is now 27th of August, and expect the results to be out by 31st of August.  
  • A template for the TDP has been uploaded on the Shaastra website, under SCDC Problem Statements tab. Please use this template for your report 
  • Consider the cycle tyre to be of size 26", and not 29" as stated in an earlier version of the problem statement. The same has been corrected in the current version of the problem statement. For further information on the cycles, visit their websites:
Hercules Thriller                  BSA Ladybird              


  1. should i post the report after practically working on the circuit or i have to work practically after it is selected ????

  2. Submit us a report saying how you are going to do it, and after selection, you can start working on the circuit practically.

  3. i am from bonam venkata chalamaya engineering college A.P.
    i am not able to register in the site, can you tell my college roll number , it is not found any where in the site

  4. College Roll No. refers to your Roll No. in your college.

  5. can i use ready made logic gates, counters ,flip flops for designing the circuit???

  6. Yes. Definitely. But lower the level of IC used, there will be more room for points. By lower level I mean, by making a counter using just flip flops, you might get more points than using a direct counter IC.

  7. can we use cpld , vhdl code...?

  8. can we use ready made rf modules or we need to build it..?

  9. No programmable devices are allowed. You can use a ready made rf module, but you will have to meet the constraint of transmitting the 4-8 bit code.

  10. rfid tags are normally short ranged and too costly to built..what we should do then..

  11. how may times can we resend the report before the last date, can we send multiple no of reports so the best is selected

  12. @rpsuman, you can go for RF Rx-Tx combination, i.e. both the circuits powered instead of having an arrangement like RFID. There is no constraint in this, you can choose whichever you like.

    @dhanush, you can send your report as many times as you want before the deadline, but only the LAST one sent will be considered for evaluation.

  13. What is the deadline of abstract submission? Is it 27th sept or 4th august? What is the difference between report and TDP?

  14. What is the exact date of the event?

  15. The deadline is 27th of August. We wanted you to submit a report only, but since we reduced the deadline, we made a template of report, which is the TDP template. You just need the fill up and submit the TDP only, by 27th of august.

  16. can we use frequency of 418 mhz

  17. Please refer to section 13.3 in the problem statement.

  18. can we use a strip board instead of bread-board ??

  19. We would appreciate your circuits in soldered form.

  20. should we mail the report to or just submit it in shaastra site.

  21. can i keep the photo of the circuit that are dne the paper as the block diagram

  22. i mean i will give the block diagrams of the circuit in the paper and include it...

  23. is innovative module compulsory after mentioning it in the abstract.

  24. @Bharath: Yes, that will be good.
    @Chaitanya: Once you mention in the report, you should try to implement it in the final circuit as that might have counted for your selection into finals.

  25. when are the results going to be announced and how are u going to intimate

  26. when will be the results announced ..??how can we know that we are selected

  27. vn are the results? hw w will get to knw?

  28. has the deadline for submission postponed???????????

  29. Based on the TDPs sent already, we will select a few finalists, and they can start working on their circuits. Others, can improve upon their TDPs and send us again by 10th of September.

  30. the results were supposed to come on 31st aug.where are they?.

  31. The number of registrations this time are exceeding large. So, we had to delay the result announcement. It will be up by tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience!

  32. when are u giving the results of scdc and where will they be published

  33. vdr tdy v r gng to get results?

  34. when will u declare the results for phase-1 of scdc

  35. we are a team from BITS PILANI,as there were technical problems with your shaastra scdc webpage we failed to sign up and submit our paper as submission button was not working.So far we submited our entry to multiple times and we have finally succeding in signing up also ,so let us know if our TDP is selected for phase1 at earliest.

  36. we are a team from SASTRA university.we have not got selected in the first we just wanted to know on what basis you have selected the teams. so we can work out on that part perfectly and submit the abstract for the second round.please kindly reply soon.

  37. we have received a confirmation of selection to the finals of SCDC, we wanted to know if we are now permitted to make minor changes in our report, we would like to add small module..if permitted does it effect our selection to the finals.

  38. can we use chips in our circuits

  39. are we allowed to use transmitter and receiver modules directly available inthe market?

  40. @All the teams that have not been selected in the first phase of TDP submissions : You can expect a mail soon regarding your re-submission of TDP for the next round.
    @Anvesh : yes!

  41. We have put a post to help you improve on your TDPs. Pleas check the home page of the blog.

  42. when are the secound phase results we havent sent the mail we just uploaded it on the website...?

  43. The second phase results are out on the website. We will be sending mails soon.
